
Gender disparities in ophthalmic research

An analysis of eye health research has revealed that only 39.4% of articles are authored by women

open book

New research has highlighted that only 39.4% of ophthalmic research articles are authored by women.

The study, which was published in JAMA Ophthalmology, examined ophthalmic research articles published between 2008 and 2018 in English language journals.

Women were responsible for 120,305 authorships of the total 344,433 authorships over the period.

As well as authoring a lower proportion of ophthalmic articles than men, women were less commonly cited in key roles than male authors.

The researchers noted that in 1966 only 6.9% of graduates from US medical schools were female. By 2016, this proportion had increased to 46.3%.

Within ophthalmology departments at US universities, women accounted for 21% of professors and 37% of associate professors in 2018.

The authors highlighted: “With a growing number of female researchers in ophthalmology, the number of women in senior ranks may increase in the future.”

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