
Advancements made to Optos Daytona devices

Enhanced imaging technology added

Advancements made to Optos Daytona devices
The latest version of the imaging software used by Optos’ Daytona imaging devices includes new advancements which are designed to benefit practices and patients. 

According to Optos, the technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible with optomap images by introducing ‘ProView.’ The enhanced imaging technology addresses the inherent bias in any curved surface that is shown in a flat plane, with pixel-for-pixel registration. This means that when the practitioner is looking at pathology in the periphery, they are getting a view which is representative of the true anatomical location.

The patented ultra-widefield digital scanning laser technology of Optos acquires images to support the detection, diagnosis, analysis, documentation and management of ocular pathology and systemic disease which may first present in the periphery. 

Simultaneous, non-contact, central pole-to-periphery views of up to 82% or 200 degrees of the retina are displayed in one single capture, compared to 45 degrees achieved with conventional methods. 

The Optos Daytona is designed as a desktop device offering multiple wavelength imaging, including options for colour, red-free, and autofluorescence with green laser light for ultra-widefield autofluorescence imaging displaying lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium.

For more information, visit the Optos website.