
Mark'ennovy launches value add campaign

'Individually Yours' initiative aims to personalise contact lenses with new Patient Passport

mark ennovy individually yours package

Contact lens company Mark’ennovy has launched a new value add campaign in the UK called ‘Individually Yours,’ which features new marketing materials for practitioners.

The new materials include bespoke packaging of the monthly custom-made contact lenses ‘Gentle 80’ and ‘Saphir Rx.’ Each box features the patient’s name, making their contact lens experience “truly unique,” according to the company.

As part of the campaign, Mark’ennovy has also developed a point of sale initiative called ‘Patient Passport.’ It presents the journey of the patient’s contact lenses from the patient’s appointment with their practitioner, the design of their contact lenses through to the final products.

The Patient Passport also explains in user-friendly language why individual contact lenses are the best option for their prescription and highlights the importance of regular follow up visits to the practice. Practitioners also have an option to add the patient’s individual readings, notes and details of the follow up appointment.

Mark’ennovy group marketing and sales director, Chris Carter, said: “At Mark'ennovy, we are committed to adding as much value as possible at every stage of the lens journey, from the first eye consultation to the final fitting of a high quality, individual contact lens made just for the patient’s eyes.”

Mr Carter added: “The new packaging and patient prescription passport is designed to support the practitioner in delivering that quality experience right to the very end, helping to demonstrate to the patient the high value that they have also placed on their own eye care in making the choice that they have.”

Practitioners interested in the new campaign should contact their Mark’ennovy regional account manager for details.

For more information, visit the Mark’ennovy website the Mark'ennovy website.